2012/2013    Master 2 Architecture - Ecole Paris Val-de-Seine - Paris


                            Semester 1&2 - Town planning in China

    Teachers: Christian NIDRICHE - Elenilde CARDOSO - Alain ELLEBOODE

2011/2012    Master 1 Architecture - Ecole Paris Val-de-Seine - Paris


                            Semester 2 - Architecture (Museum)

    Teacher: Emmanuel CHOUPIS

                                                      -  Seminar - Créer dans le créé : Techniques constructives pour une architecture de la réhabilitation

    Teacher: Pierre ENGEL and Yvon LESCOUARC'H

                            Semester 1 - Town planning                          

    Teacher: Emmanuel CHOUPIS

                                                       -  Seminar - Projet constructif, innovation, Morphologie des surfaces, Structures légères

    Teacher: Yvon LESCOUARC'H and Robert MARCH

2007/2011    First degree in Architecture - Ecole Paris Val-de-Seine - Paris

Third year           Semester 2 - High Court

                            Semester 1 - Mixed project Hounsing/Offices

    Teacher: Sylvie CHIRAT

Second year          Semester 2 - Art Center, Housing

                            Semester 1 - Housing, Library                   

    Teacher: Norbert LAURENT

First year              Semester 2 - A house on the lakeshore, Row house

    Teacher: Jean-Louis GARNIER

                            Semester 1 - Bedroom/Dressingroom/Bathroom

    Teacher: Diddier Drummond



Name: Ouahiba AIT-ZENATI

Date of birth: 3th of september 1987

Nationality: French

City: Tremblay en France, France

            Driving Licence


Activity: Architecture

Profession : Student

School: ENSA Paris Val-de-Seine

City: Paris, France

Career Aims

Curently a student in five year of architecture.

Special skills



_Artlantis studio

_Photoshop CS5

_InDesign CS5

_Illustrator CS5




French: fluent

English: fluent

Spanish: basic




Education and Training

2012            Internship in architecture - Cube design - China

                            Architectural project : Merchant project - Luohu - Shenzhen

                            Town planning : Green Island Core District, Bishan - Chongqing

2010            Internship in architecture - Mairie de Tremblay en France

                              Use of first degree’s working knowledges

                            Following of projects

                            Following of construction site


2009            Internship in a construction site - Bouygues - Villeparis

                                Work on the site with different teams


_ Analogue photography black & white

_ Digital photography

_ Traveling

Professional Experience in Architecture


Punctuality, Sociability, Dynamism
